Just Keep Running

I am officially opposed to commercials advertising prescription medicine. As a self-diagnosed hypochondriac, I fully understand the dangers of warning a person about a particular condition, and then offering up a cure for said condition. Thankfully, I don’t usually fall victim to the sale of the so-called cure. I usually conjure up a diagnosis, and…

A Side of Frozen Stuffing

I remember the exact moment that I realized I had a problem with food. It wasn’t when I sat in the seat of a rollercoaster, only to be humiliated when the safety harness wouldn’t fit around my girth. It wasn’t even when my clothing options had been reduced to the only four abayas I owned…

Birchbox: April 2014

My February and March Birchboxes were not my favorites, so I was really uninspired to review them. I was much happier with my April box, so here I am.   I was so excited about trying the Kind Maple Pumpkin Seeds bar that it almost didn’t make it into the picture. I love pumpkin seeds,…

Operation Fat to Fit: Week Twelve

Have you ever gotten a deal so sweet that you hurried out of a store after you paid the cashier before they could figure out that you pretty much robbed them? That was me yesterday. I stocked up on boxes of Dark Chocolate Crunch Cheerios (which are friggin amazing) for about $1 a box after…