Equal, But Not Really

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Whole Foods? I really do. It feels as though some kind of happy gas is being pumped through the ventilation system because you can’t help but to feel completely euphoric while walking up and down the aisles. Even when I only plan to run in for a…


As a professional hypochondriac, I pride myself on being able to properly diagnose and self-treat a multitude of illnesses. Not only do I diagnose my own disorders, but those of my family and friends as well. I may not tell you openly, but I’m probably keeping a mental file on you. I can’t treat you…

Little Girl Lost

Words cannot express the extent of my despair right now. At a time when I can actually paint my toenails, I only have four toenails left to paint. Since running/trotting/walking the Biggest Loser Half Marathon, almost all of my toenails have separated from the nail bed and eventually fell off. My feet look a raggedy…