Operation Fat to Fit: Week 2

I promised you all that I would be here with a weekly update, so here I am. Since last week Monday, I have dropped 7 pounds. I am sure that a good chunk of it is just water weight, but seeing a change in numbers was inspiring nonetheless. I have been sticking to portion control…

The Plus-Sized Dilemma

I set out on Monday to do a complete overhaul of my lifestyle. I stocked up on fresh produce, lean protein and complex carbohydrates. For the most part, I am trying to stick to Jillian Michael’s philosophy: If it didn’t come from the earth or have a mother, don’t eat it. I had a meal…

Run, Forrest! Run!

I am not the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions. I used to back in the day, but I never actually stuck by any of them. I figured if I didn’t bother to make any resolutions, there was no chance of disappointing myself. Makes sense, right? Yeah. So on January 1st of 2014,…

Birchbox: January 2014

  I really could have been a bit timelier with this post, but I really wanted to try everything out before I did any kind of review on the products I received. That’s only fair, right? The first thing I tried out was the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser. This cleanser came in the cutest…