Ten Commandments of the Office

Thou shalt not leave the coffee pot empty. If you poured yourself the last cup, please brew another pot for the remaining caffeine addicts in the office to enjoy. Thou shalt not ignore thy paper jam. You know you saw that red light blinking. Thou shalt not wear stripper attire to the office. I’ll leave…

Society’s Influence

As I was ironing clothes this morning, Thing One approached me timidly. This was completely abnormal behavior for her, so I stopped what I was doing immediately and waited for her tell me what was on her mind so early in the morning. “You know those pink jeans with the jewel button on the front?”…


As Black History Month draws to a close, I can’t help but marvel at how far we have come as Americans. At the same time, I can’t believe we have not accomplished more. Despite all that we have overcome, there is no denying that racial tension still exists in our country. It’s hard to imagine…

A Spot of Tea

My most recent trip to the store involves more junk food than I’d like to admit, but I think I deserve a little slack seeing as how tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. Instead of doing my standard couponing post where I spend paragraphs oohing and ahhing over my purchases, I thought I would switch the…