At the Bus Stop

Every day, I see him at the bus stop. He stands off to the side, away from the other kids. Despite his thick glasses, he still squints as he looks down the street. His father stands close by. Although he goes to the same school as the other children, he doesn’t ride the same bus…


This post has been a long time coming. I mean, this sale ended last week. But since I did take a picture after I went shopping, I thought I would go ahead and share my findings with you guys. Not to mention that I went shopping with my three youngest children and didn’t beat anyone….

Funky Places

Tom Foolery Tuesday has all but bitten the dust. It isn’t due to a lack of tom foolery in my life. It is because there are only so many TMI episodes that any reader can stomach. I’d prefer not to embarrass my family here, so I try to keep things as clean as possible. But if I ever decided to go…

From My Side of the Fence

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write anything commemorating the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, which is why I am a day late. As another blogger mentioned, it just didn’t feel right telling a story that wasn’t mine to tell. I didn’t live in New York at the time of the attacks….

Ten Things I Hate

1. I hate texting. My husband got me one of those fancy little phones with the full QWERTY keyboard so I wouldn’t have an excuse for not answering his text messages. It definitely makes things easier, but I still hate it. I refuse to carry a full blown conversation via text. If I am so unimportant that…